On the positive side? No more diapers - HURRAY x10! Weekly gym workouts, yoga and spin classes! Dancing with my husband every Friday night, while amazingly awesome twin 12yr-old neighbourhood babysitters entertain our kids! Arts Umbrella classes for BOTH my girls - Carmen in her first 'big kid class' of 4.5-6yr olds, and Keira and I creating together in the 2-3yr old class!
Not so positive? No more afternoon naps - BOO. Preschool at 9am on Tues/Thurs means I have to have both kids fed, dressed and out the door by 8:53am - YIKES! Three days of multiple classes to teach means I have to be extra vigilant taking care of my body AND my voice. And find a new place to get my admin done... sheesh.
Certainly one of the coolest changes this Fall is two mornings of spending time with Keira, all by herself! Doing two-year-old things! Last year, Keira napped during Carmen's preschool. This year, the world is our oyster... Swimming. Playgrounding. Going for very slow toddler-speed walks! I was singing with Keira the other day and she was positively ROCKING OUT and it occurred to me how infrequently I've done things like this with only her. So excited!
I've also come to the grim realization that I have to schedule my housework. Isn't that lame? So if you try calling me for a playdate on Monday or Wednesday afternoon, I am likely mopping, ironing, vaccuuming or cleaning the bathrooms! Friday is laundry. Tuesday we make bread & granola.
I'm also using this 'weekly calendar' with the girls to explain why they are NOT watching a movie every day of the week! Seriously, they ask me EVERY DAY. We don't have cable, but we do have a decent library of kids movies that I use when I need to get stuff DONE. So they are allowed a movie on Monday & Wednesday afternoon, but not otherwise unless Mama is completely spent! I've been trying to get them involved more and more with the chores, cleaning their room, etc. But mopping the floors and scrubbing the bathtub is just not that kid-friendly! So far this week, it seems to be working.
Sigh. It seems like summer ended months ago. A few favorite pics from the end of August and our most recent week-long trip to Valdes seems fitting as a proper send-off!
Happy Fall!