BUT. I've managed to do some creating amidst it all. I've been exercising my mad Home Ec Sewing skillz with my 30yr-old Bernina, and actually learning a whole bunch of new stuff in the process. Quilting is one thing, but sewing clothes is a whole different ballgame! Buttons, zippers, pleats, bias tape, even how to measure properly - YouTube, I love you!
All of my inspiration has come from the never-ending fabric stash passed on by the lovely Grammelina nearly a year ago. Beautiful dress fabrics, crazy costume fabrics, cozy corduroys and velvets, cottons and linens - you name it, I probably have some! I've also become very, very attached to her underused Singer 4/3 Overlock sewing machine that has been sitting comfortably on my sewing desk for a few months - lots to learn, but so much fun! I'm getting pretty good at adjusting the tensions, using the different stitches, and not sawing through dangling sleeves by accident!
Helping my girls shake their tailfeathers for Halloween...

Lady Gaga'ing it up... Jason's costume is not really for internet consumption (not the one pictured here) but I can assure you that he was Gaga-licious!

Christmas stuff slowly making it's way off the to-do list... recycled t-shirt nightshirts for the girls and some corduroy jumpers.

And last but not least, a pretty dress for mama, made of some beautiful orange silk.

Coincidentally I still have yards and yards of this silk left... what would you do with it? Ideas needed!
I've also made some other stuff... but I can't post pictures until after Christmas! Don't want to ruin the surprise!
What's on your to-do list?