For our anniversary this year, Jason gifted me with 8 weeks of singing lessons through the VSB. It's something that I've been talking about for a looooooong time and he figured that I needed a bit of a kick in the rear to get it done. So every Saturday for the next while, I will be cranking it out in a high school band room. The instructor is totally quirky, the other participants quite an eclectic bunch. But together we'll be a hit, if only in our own eyes (ears)!
Thursday morning was baking time - we were out of cookies and bread - so the girls and I combined forces in the kitchen and managed to produce quite a spread! Happiness is letting your kids lick the beaters, and I am a firm believer in eating raw cookie dough.

We started with multigrain bread in the breadmaker (I'm no martyr), and then followed with our favourite Spelt Bread. It's super duper easy to make with kids and takes only about 45 minutes from start to finish. Perfect for short preschool attention spans!

Once Keira was down for her nap (surprising after all the honey-yogurt mix she consumed) we made a batch of Ginger Snaps. Carmen's favourite parts are making designs in the molasses, rolling the cookies in sugar and plopping them on the cookie sheet.

Keira's favourite part is eating the end product.

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