Sunday, May 23, 2010

Busy House

There's been so much going on that I haven't had time to write about it. Birthdays, weddings, gardens... so much to craft!

Last bit of sprouting broccoli (what a treat!) and first bunch of radishes to add to the abundant salad greens... kale, chard, spinach, and many many lettuces are happily greening up the garden plots!

Easter - eggs, cookies, chocolates and tons of fun!

The girls' birthday party was a ton of fun, and I managed to finish the birthday sweaters and the flag banner just in time!

My sister-in-law, Andrea's, wedding to her beau Rod called for a wedding quilt! I tried my hand at mitre-ing the borders - works well with a stripey fabric, and wasn't as hard as I thought it would be...

The girls have been busy too with summery activities - sidewalk-chalking the front of the house and painting their toes (sandal season!) with Crayola washables... pretty!

What's up next? With loads of fabric gifted from Grammelina's immense stash, I hope to be making a few things for myself and the girls. First up are reversible cotton pinafore dresses for the gruesome twosome, and a shift for myself out of bright orange silk! And I STILL have to finish the green sweater I started in Feb...

1 comment:

desdemona said...

so much fun! i LOVE your greenhouse and those toenails are ever so pretty ;) it's winter here now, rainy and no beach, but at least i can plant some greens...