Sorry - don't have enough for five separate posts, but still need some feedback...
1. Nighttime potty training, my nemesis. I thought that my crazy laundry days were over when I stopped cloth diapering for two, but I was wrong! For those of you that have kids that nighttime trained right away, I ENVY YOU!! Because this has not been the case for my twosome. We had a long streak (10 days?) of no wetting with my eldest, but now have had a complete reversal and I find myself stripping Carmen's bed EVERY MORNING. It's gotten to the point where I am getting her out of bed at the crack of dawn, putting her on the toilet while she is basically still asleep, and then popping her back in bed! Terrible. And it's only training ME, not her. Right now we have no drinks/food after 7, a pee before bed and then in bed by 8. They sleep right through 'til 8, and HEAVILY at that. We just bought a night-light, as she is in the top bunk, but she never wakes up. Suggestions? Anyone else with nearly-kindergarteners with the same problem?
2. Favorite non-homemade snack? My hubby needs snacks that he can stash in his school drawer for those looooong days. We make nearly everything from scratch, so please don't suggest that I make yet another thing! The snack needs to be nut-free, and somewhat non-perishable... I'm thinking granola-bar-like?
3. Very excited to make these Crash Hot Potatoes tonight, but with a twist. I think I'll boil the potatoes in a double boiler, and steam yams (in thick cross-sections) over top at the same time, then have a yam & a potato 'cookie' for each person at dinner. I think these will make great leftovers, and the girls will have a blast mashing, painting and sprinkling! I'll let you know how it goes...
4. I'm embarrassed to admit how much I spend on facial products (think Spa brands) and am looking for alternatives without building up a stash of unusable products! I hate that. So far I've replaced my cleanser with the London Drugs equivalent of Cetaphil. I also like Aveeno's Daily Scrub to exfoliate, but only every few days. I'm seeking a non-alcohol-based toner that is very gentle. Ideas? A moisturizer would be great too, but I'm a little hesitant to give up my wonderful moisturizer...
5. Epic fail on the weekend making these cotton shirts for the girls. I stole over a dozen from-the-70's patterns from my mom's stash over the holiday - score! I even remember having some of these clothes growing up...

I thought they would be so great with the skirt on the pattern (which I plan to make in the stripes & print with the double ruffle) as well as with the smocks I made them at Christmas. However, from the picture, you can see that they look like clowns in the picture with the smocks!

Poor clowns.
Oh well, at least they are clowns in love!

Hopefully they will look better with the skirts! And yes, I know I should stop dressing my children the same...
1 comment:
I have a 7+ year old still in Goodnights through the night. It keeps the sheets dry at least. Nothing else has worked and I can't fathom stripping and washing the bedding daily. However, it kills me to buy disposabe after cloth diapering my kids!!!
MANY children are not dry through the night. For some reason, nobody talks about it. As you said, the steps you are taking aren't "training" her, they're training you! She has to grow into it herself, I think. It is very hard to be patient, but it's what I've come to accept. The next time we see each other (or call me) I'll tell you about the wonders of acu-tuning, which has really made a difference with my boy, and unlike acupuncture, there are no needles involved and it is child-friendly. Within a couple of treatments, he was dry through the night, but unfortunately life got in the way and we stopped regularly getting the treatments and now we are back to needing the Goodnights. I have big plans to get back to it though this winter!
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