Sunday, February 13, 2011

Revamp II - The Way We Play

Recently a few girlfriends and I were talking about the way we 'play' - some people are a bit more free-form and spontaneous, some are a bit more organized and planned. This of course enters into the way we express ourselves creatively. I've been looking at my girls a little closer these days, and more specifically, the way they play. At one time I would have thought that Carmen was the more 'just-so' type, but now I'm noticing that our little Keira is now organizing her toys - in lines, patterns and such.

One of her favourite games right now is lining up all her 'groceries' in a single-file food parade and then me, as the friendly and very hungry mommy dragon, eating them by stuffing them down the neck of my shirt and winding up with a very full belly! Specific dances for certain songs, complete and distinct costumes for different characters... I can't decide if Carmen is influencing her, or if it's coming from me, or if this is just what happens when Jason and I combine gene pools?

Because the way I play? Very organized, planned out, lines, patterns, repetition. It's why I like sports like triathlon, because there is a methodology towards a set goal. And when I quilt or knit? Same thing. So I tried (REALLY TRIED) to break out of my mold and, hold onto your hats, I decided to put a crazy binding on the table runner I made to match the pillow covers.

And because an old dog can learn new tricks, I learned how to mitre my bindings.

And because I had a whack of binding left over afterwards, I made this crazy third pillow cover that I actually really dig. You'll notice I started out with a set pattern in the centre, so hard to let go!

A year ago I started this sweater and got to here before I realized that the neckline is really screwed up when I put it on.

I actually finished it last weekend and wore it in public(!) but haven't taken a good enough picture (hard when I'm holding the camera myself) so that you can see how screwed up it really is...

And I 'messanger-bagged' the bottom of my leather jacket as suggested, but I just didn't have the patience to do a proper job, nor am I planning on trying again. My poor Bernina. In any case, it makes a passable knitting bag!

I've decided I'm really like the 3 & 5yr old thing we have going on in our home right now. The girls are just old enough to hang out and craft along beside me. Really, they are simply content to be allowed to play with sharp things! But sometimes they will spend 1/2hr cutting small ribbons or yarn into shreds while I sew alongside them. Sometimes Keira replaces pins in the pincushion or Carmen helps hand me pieces of material or 'irons' with the cold iron. It's 100% awesomeness, and has totally brought something back to my everyday that I've been missing for years.

In other news - I decided to experiment a bit with winter gardening this year in our unheated greenhouse, inspired by this book by Eliot Coleman. I planted lettuce, spinach, leeks, shallots and green onions in early January and here is what is coming up! Yes, I know - boring dirt with green specks. But I'm not even watering these babies and they are flourishing! So exciting for early spring eating!

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