Oh. So. Tired.
Of pink.
I've done everything I can to introduce to Carmen the beautiful colours of the spectrum. I bought gender-neutral, put her in boys hand-me-downs... we play with trains and trucks and blocks and dirt.
WHY WHY WHY am I cursed with PINK???
And pink princess-mermaid-butterfly-fairies riding on pink unicorns?
For Halloween, Carmen wants to be a princess. In pink. BIG SURPRISE. She was a princess last year.
So what do I do? Dress her in a costume she wants to be in, or something creative and cool that I have to force her to wear, that will probably get torn off the minute I have my back turned...
Now as I reread it, I realize this post is awfully whiney, and the answer seems obvious.
Disaster Averted! Carmen and Keira will go as 'The Paperbag Princess: Before and After'. Keira will be dirty and messy and paper-baggy and Carmen will be pink and princess-y. Lame? Jason and I like it!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Calling All Fashionistas...
Help a girl out!
This weekend, my mom is coming over from the Island to spend the night in our house with the girls and the dog (thanks Mom!) meaning... we can leave together! Overnight! For the first time since Keira's been born!
Our plan is to crash Auntie's beautiful and vacant-for-the-weekend house (thanks Auntie!), to make use of her guest room and amazing location - just off Commercial Drive. We're going to go out for a nice dinner, drinks and dancing! Any suggestions for locations?
Sunday morning we'll sleep in and have a breakfast out, and then it's off to Miraj Spa for their Couple's Hammam, Gommage and Massage - I've had a gift certificate for nearly a year now (thanks Melina!) that will finally be put to use. If you haven't been - it is the ultimate luxury... someone else giving you the best, most vigorous scrubdown EVER after a ridiculously hot but refreshing 15 minute sauna. All in a totally private marble grotto-esque cavern, which Jason and I will be sharing. Then a 30 minute massage, followed by hot mint tea and honey cakes in a gorgeous lounge with lots of new shiny magazines that no child has slobbered on, ripped apart, or coloured on!
Can you sense my excitement?
In preparation, I hurried out to the Oakridge Mall's Bay to find something to wear... I love shopping there because they have a lot of major labels (Mexx, DKNY, etc), but always at a huge discount! I have to admit to a major penchant for clothes, although my fashion sense is still developing. I usually call on the help of friends, sales assistants and store personal shoppers (so much fun) but was on my own - ACK! After trying on 40 (I'm not kidding, 40) different dresses, I settled on one that I knew would turn my hubby's head!
Being winter and all, the Kensie knit dress is long-sleevey, turtle-necky and blacky-browny-tan. Perfect for me since I'm always chilly. It calls for what Carmen and I refer to as zip-up boots, but I am a little directionally challenged and also suffer from TTCS - Twist-Tie Calf Syndrome. My legs (especially in tights) have always resembled pipecleaners no matter how many squats, lunges and calf raises I do.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not being down on myself - I do have a pretty good bum and am overall pretty fit. But realistically, I got a little shafted in the leg department and suffer immensely during boot season. The standard knee-high boots require legs to fill them out, and they tend to sag out on me besides being way too tall. I usually end up buying mid-calf length boots that look like knee-highs on me. In fact, my friend Lisa and I both bought the same boots last year (hers knee-high, mine mid-calf) and they look the same on us!
After trying on about 12 pairs of boots I gave up, totally flustered.
I went home and tried on a pair of tan Mag boots from my closet. I bought them in 2002 while vacationing in Belgium and loooove them, but have only ever worn them with jeans. I think wearing trendy-in-2002 boots is pushing it. My husband seems to think they are great, but I think maybe he is just too busy looking at my bum... Whaddya think?

Be HONEST. I promise not to be offended or take it personally! There are many situations in which fashion intervention is necessary!!

And if you think they are hideously out of style now, or just look goofy with a skirt, I need you to tell me what to buy, and where I can find it! If you feel more comfortable, just email or message me with your suggestion...
And please don't say Gravity Pope, unless you are willing to show up with your Visa to pay for my purchase - in which case, please do! I've been saving my pennies, but that place is soooo out of my price range...
As an aside - nice bras at the Bay are only $24.99 right now! Triumph, Maidenform, Bali... for some reason I actually had another $5 knocked off the new Bali bra I bought, yay! My size certainly changed a lot after 3 years of breastfeeding... feels nice to buy something that fits, what a treat!
This weekend, my mom is coming over from the Island to spend the night in our house with the girls and the dog (thanks Mom!) meaning... we can leave together! Overnight! For the first time since Keira's been born!
Our plan is to crash Auntie's beautiful and vacant-for-the-weekend house (thanks Auntie!), to make use of her guest room and amazing location - just off Commercial Drive. We're going to go out for a nice dinner, drinks and dancing! Any suggestions for locations?
Sunday morning we'll sleep in and have a breakfast out, and then it's off to Miraj Spa for their Couple's Hammam, Gommage and Massage - I've had a gift certificate for nearly a year now (thanks Melina!) that will finally be put to use. If you haven't been - it is the ultimate luxury... someone else giving you the best, most vigorous scrubdown EVER after a ridiculously hot but refreshing 15 minute sauna. All in a totally private marble grotto-esque cavern, which Jason and I will be sharing. Then a 30 minute massage, followed by hot mint tea and honey cakes in a gorgeous lounge with lots of new shiny magazines that no child has slobbered on, ripped apart, or coloured on!
Can you sense my excitement?
In preparation, I hurried out to the Oakridge Mall's Bay to find something to wear... I love shopping there because they have a lot of major labels (Mexx, DKNY, etc), but always at a huge discount! I have to admit to a major penchant for clothes, although my fashion sense is still developing. I usually call on the help of friends, sales assistants and store personal shoppers (so much fun) but was on my own - ACK! After trying on 40 (I'm not kidding, 40) different dresses, I settled on one that I knew would turn my hubby's head!
Being winter and all, the Kensie knit dress is long-sleevey, turtle-necky and blacky-browny-tan. Perfect for me since I'm always chilly. It calls for what Carmen and I refer to as zip-up boots, but I am a little directionally challenged and also suffer from TTCS - Twist-Tie Calf Syndrome. My legs (especially in tights) have always resembled pipecleaners no matter how many squats, lunges and calf raises I do.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not being down on myself - I do have a pretty good bum and am overall pretty fit. But realistically, I got a little shafted in the leg department and suffer immensely during boot season. The standard knee-high boots require legs to fill them out, and they tend to sag out on me besides being way too tall. I usually end up buying mid-calf length boots that look like knee-highs on me. In fact, my friend Lisa and I both bought the same boots last year (hers knee-high, mine mid-calf) and they look the same on us!
After trying on about 12 pairs of boots I gave up, totally flustered.
I went home and tried on a pair of tan Mag boots from my closet. I bought them in 2002 while vacationing in Belgium and loooove them, but have only ever worn them with jeans. I think wearing trendy-in-2002 boots is pushing it. My husband seems to think they are great, but I think maybe he is just too busy looking at my bum... Whaddya think?

Be HONEST. I promise not to be offended or take it personally! There are many situations in which fashion intervention is necessary!!

And if you think they are hideously out of style now, or just look goofy with a skirt, I need you to tell me what to buy, and where I can find it! If you feel more comfortable, just email or message me with your suggestion...
And please don't say Gravity Pope, unless you are willing to show up with your Visa to pay for my purchase - in which case, please do! I've been saving my pennies, but that place is soooo out of my price range...
As an aside - nice bras at the Bay are only $24.99 right now! Triumph, Maidenform, Bali... for some reason I actually had another $5 knocked off the new Bali bra I bought, yay! My size certainly changed a lot after 3 years of breastfeeding... feels nice to buy something that fits, what a treat!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Not Better or Worse, Just Different
I was at a community centre playgym this morning with my girlfriend and our gaggle of kids and was chatting with another mom that had recently given birth. She looked at my twosome and then looked at me and said, "Boy are you going to have your hands full when your due date comes!"
I just giggled and walked away, not sure how to respond. Sure I was wearing a fairly flowy and ambiguous blouse, and was standing with pretty sloppy posture. It was uncomfortable because I didn't want to embarrass her by letting her know that I wasn't actually pregnant, but what really bothered me was the surge of emotion that welled up inside me as I walked away.
The funny thing is, I'm okay with the changes in my body since having my girls - or so I thought. Why, as a society, are we so hung up on this? Why, as an active and healthy woman, am I?
In almost every prenatal class, I have one or two pregnant clients that are very anxious about weight gain. They ask me questions like "How long did it take you to lose your pregnancy weight?" and make comments like "You're so lucky to work out for your job, you must have gotten back into shape so quickly!" In the same vein, I have postnatal clients that are shocked to still look pregnant in the early months postpartum, as if by giving birth they should have noticed a more drastic change in their body weight and distribution. They are relieved to show up and see that almost everyone else in the same boat!
But it's all relative. Some clients come to class a few months postpartum looking like they haven't changed at all from their pre-baby selves. They certainly aren't given any sympathy, even though their old 'normal' might have Ultimate frisbee twice a week and marathon training three times a week and now they can't run without peeing themselves...
Time and time again, I remind clients that growing a baby takes 40 weeks and advise them to be equally patient with their postpartum bodies. We talk about how most women notice lasting changes in their bodies postpartum that have everything to do with with new and different habits postpartum. While our weight may be similar, our shapes can be totally different. Beautiful mommy muscles appear in the upper body with the lifting and carrying, soft curves from maternal fat stores shape our breasts, butts and abdomens. Strong glutes and quads from pushing strollers increase our lean muscle mass and sometimes push our weight above pre-pregnancy numbers even though we are fit and toned. In fact, some new moms talk about being in the best shape of their lives because they are so much more active as parents, and so much more invested in being good role models.
Do they weigh less or fit into their old clothes?
Does it matter, if they can still run and jump, play and laugh?
I've often referred clients to a great website called 'The Shape of a Mother', a blog that numerous women have contributed to in order to dispel the myths surrounding the postpartum body, and to give a little perspective on what is 'normal'.
Truth be told, I haven't stepped on a scale in a long time. I have no idea if I weigh the same or not (probably not), and I gave away the majority of my pre-baby clothing because it didn't suit my age or my lifestyle. Again, it's all relative to what your old 'normal' was. Waaaay back when I used to train for triathlon, I went over a year without a menstrual cycle due to a really low body fat percentage. In fact, to get pregnant and regain my cycle I had to lay off the training and put on a few pounds. Since then, I've taken pleasure in having a little curve below my bellybutton - it's what allowed me to have babies in the first place.
It's not better or worse. It's just different.
In the beginning of each of my prenatal classes, we do an 'around-the-room' of who we are and where we are in our pregnancies. Recently I asked the women to tell me something about pregnancy that has empowered them and one of the women said, "All my life, I've been very self-conscious about my body - but now I am really in awe of it!"
Her answer still makes me grin from ear to ear.
I just giggled and walked away, not sure how to respond. Sure I was wearing a fairly flowy and ambiguous blouse, and was standing with pretty sloppy posture. It was uncomfortable because I didn't want to embarrass her by letting her know that I wasn't actually pregnant, but what really bothered me was the surge of emotion that welled up inside me as I walked away.
The funny thing is, I'm okay with the changes in my body since having my girls - or so I thought. Why, as a society, are we so hung up on this? Why, as an active and healthy woman, am I?
In almost every prenatal class, I have one or two pregnant clients that are very anxious about weight gain. They ask me questions like "How long did it take you to lose your pregnancy weight?" and make comments like "You're so lucky to work out for your job, you must have gotten back into shape so quickly!" In the same vein, I have postnatal clients that are shocked to still look pregnant in the early months postpartum, as if by giving birth they should have noticed a more drastic change in their body weight and distribution. They are relieved to show up and see that almost everyone else in the same boat!
But it's all relative. Some clients come to class a few months postpartum looking like they haven't changed at all from their pre-baby selves. They certainly aren't given any sympathy, even though their old 'normal' might have Ultimate frisbee twice a week and marathon training three times a week and now they can't run without peeing themselves...
Time and time again, I remind clients that growing a baby takes 40 weeks and advise them to be equally patient with their postpartum bodies. We talk about how most women notice lasting changes in their bodies postpartum that have everything to do with with new and different habits postpartum. While our weight may be similar, our shapes can be totally different. Beautiful mommy muscles appear in the upper body with the lifting and carrying, soft curves from maternal fat stores shape our breasts, butts and abdomens. Strong glutes and quads from pushing strollers increase our lean muscle mass and sometimes push our weight above pre-pregnancy numbers even though we are fit and toned. In fact, some new moms talk about being in the best shape of their lives because they are so much more active as parents, and so much more invested in being good role models.
Do they weigh less or fit into their old clothes?
Does it matter, if they can still run and jump, play and laugh?
I've often referred clients to a great website called 'The Shape of a Mother', a blog that numerous women have contributed to in order to dispel the myths surrounding the postpartum body, and to give a little perspective on what is 'normal'.
Truth be told, I haven't stepped on a scale in a long time. I have no idea if I weigh the same or not (probably not), and I gave away the majority of my pre-baby clothing because it didn't suit my age or my lifestyle. Again, it's all relative to what your old 'normal' was. Waaaay back when I used to train for triathlon, I went over a year without a menstrual cycle due to a really low body fat percentage. In fact, to get pregnant and regain my cycle I had to lay off the training and put on a few pounds. Since then, I've taken pleasure in having a little curve below my bellybutton - it's what allowed me to have babies in the first place.
It's not better or worse. It's just different.
In the beginning of each of my prenatal classes, we do an 'around-the-room' of who we are and where we are in our pregnancies. Recently I asked the women to tell me something about pregnancy that has empowered them and one of the women said, "All my life, I've been very self-conscious about my body - but now I am really in awe of it!"
Her answer still makes me grin from ear to ear.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Calm After the Storm...
Gobble gobble!
Thanksgiving went off without a hitch at Chez Camp! Hurrah!
Jason took Keira in the morning while Carmen and I prepared the veggies and stuffing. In the afternoon, he took Carmen hiking with the family while Keira napped, the 18lb turkey roasted to perfection (toot toot!) and I sipped wine and knitted. It was AWESOME. Around 5pm, everyone returned, tired from the hike... Melina brought 3 different types of homemade bread and beautiful pumpkin tartlets with pumpkin seed brittle, Paul brought some amazing prawns and cheeses for appies. There was lots of wine and beer, a crackling fire and, of course, a round of "Why We are Thankful". Oh, that and two boys running after each other downstairs with a 15lb maul, but I digress...
Before everyone left, the dishes were done, the turkey bones stripped, care packages were distributed, and the leftovers stashed away in the fridge.
The next morning (slightly cloudy from too much lovely vino) I woke to a reasonably clean house and was attacked with the craziest urge to nest - seriously, I thought I might be going into labour soon, it was that crazy! Starting with the turkey bones, I made about 16 cups of gorgeous stock. I wanted some yummy soups for the freezer to go with the nice breads, so I made:
Turkey Noodle Soup
Cream of Broccoli and Turkey Soup
Potato, Leek and Thyme Soup
And then for dinners:
Turkey Pot Pie
Pasta Shells stuffed with Turkey, Goat Cheese, Sundried Tomatoes and Fresh Basil
We had leftover prawns and appies for dinner last night, and we STILL have leftover stuffing, meat and gravy. Dinner for the ENTIRE WEEK!!!
We should have Thanksgiving every Sunday.
But for now, I am pooped from the insane day of cooking and am looking forward to sitting on my butt, enjoying the fruits of my labour!! Gonna go grab one of those leftover beers...
And don't worry - I haven't fooled myself into believing my preschooler will eat any of it!
Thanksgiving went off without a hitch at Chez Camp! Hurrah!
Jason took Keira in the morning while Carmen and I prepared the veggies and stuffing. In the afternoon, he took Carmen hiking with the family while Keira napped, the 18lb turkey roasted to perfection (toot toot!) and I sipped wine and knitted. It was AWESOME. Around 5pm, everyone returned, tired from the hike... Melina brought 3 different types of homemade bread and beautiful pumpkin tartlets with pumpkin seed brittle, Paul brought some amazing prawns and cheeses for appies. There was lots of wine and beer, a crackling fire and, of course, a round of "Why We are Thankful". Oh, that and two boys running after each other downstairs with a 15lb maul, but I digress...
Before everyone left, the dishes were done, the turkey bones stripped, care packages were distributed, and the leftovers stashed away in the fridge.
The next morning (slightly cloudy from too much lovely vino) I woke to a reasonably clean house and was attacked with the craziest urge to nest - seriously, I thought I might be going into labour soon, it was that crazy! Starting with the turkey bones, I made about 16 cups of gorgeous stock. I wanted some yummy soups for the freezer to go with the nice breads, so I made:
Turkey Noodle Soup
Cream of Broccoli and Turkey Soup
Potato, Leek and Thyme Soup
And then for dinners:
Turkey Pot Pie
Pasta Shells stuffed with Turkey, Goat Cheese, Sundried Tomatoes and Fresh Basil
We had leftover prawns and appies for dinner last night, and we STILL have leftover stuffing, meat and gravy. Dinner for the ENTIRE WEEK!!!
We should have Thanksgiving every Sunday.
But for now, I am pooped from the insane day of cooking and am looking forward to sitting on my butt, enjoying the fruits of my labour!! Gonna go grab one of those leftover beers...
And don't worry - I haven't fooled myself into believing my preschooler will eat any of it!
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
How to Host a Thanksgiving Dinner for 12 in 401 Easy Steps!
This year we are hosting Thanksgiving Dinner for 12, and I'm determined to make it as stress-free as possible! Am I deluded, you ask? Maybe slightly, but by hosting the dinner it means we get to sit back and enjoy some wine and a crackling fire after the kiddos go to bed at 8pm, instead of either frantically dining and dashing to get them in bed at a decent hour, or trying to wrangle tired, cranky kids if we decide to keep them out late.
Plus, it means we can both roll our wine-soaked bodies only metres to bed, rather than have to designate a driver! The truth emerges...
Anyways, in order to actually enjoy myself on Sunday, I'm trying to outsource as much as possible and spread the cooking out over the week. Grammelina's ordering and dropping off the turkey and making pumpkin pie tarts and breads, Paul's bringing appies... I actually really like making use of the 'big half' of my oven for large turkeys and doing the stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc. A little intimidating to cook for this crowd, as Paul and his wife own a well-known Fort Langley restaurant and both Paul and Grammelina are amazing artists in the kitchen! But I'm confident I can hold my own...
Today Carmen and I were roasting veggies for the first course - Roasted Butternut Squash and Parsnip soup. It was really fun to get her dirty in the garden digging out the super stubborn parsnips, and to let her practice her knife-wielding skills. She is really good with her small-motor skills and I like to see her have fun and confidence in the kitchen!

Tomorrow we will actually puree the soup, as running the Cuisinart will wake Keira up from her nap!
Jason's also been doing some prep - he went out to a secret spot close to Squamish to buck some already-felled trees for firewood. There's nothing sexier than your man splitting wood!

Boo hoo, there are only 2 squashes left from the garden! I will have to plant more next year...
Plus, it means we can both roll our wine-soaked bodies only metres to bed, rather than have to designate a driver! The truth emerges...
Anyways, in order to actually enjoy myself on Sunday, I'm trying to outsource as much as possible and spread the cooking out over the week. Grammelina's ordering and dropping off the turkey and making pumpkin pie tarts and breads, Paul's bringing appies... I actually really like making use of the 'big half' of my oven for large turkeys and doing the stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc. A little intimidating to cook for this crowd, as Paul and his wife own a well-known Fort Langley restaurant and both Paul and Grammelina are amazing artists in the kitchen! But I'm confident I can hold my own...
Today Carmen and I were roasting veggies for the first course - Roasted Butternut Squash and Parsnip soup. It was really fun to get her dirty in the garden digging out the super stubborn parsnips, and to let her practice her knife-wielding skills. She is really good with her small-motor skills and I like to see her have fun and confidence in the kitchen!

Tomorrow we will actually puree the soup, as running the Cuisinart will wake Keira up from her nap!
Jason's also been doing some prep - he went out to a secret spot close to Squamish to buck some already-felled trees for firewood. There's nothing sexier than your man splitting wood!

Boo hoo, there are only 2 squashes left from the garden! I will have to plant more next year...
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Well this year's pet project was the garden and greenhouse. We had a garden the year before and had some success, but were gifted with a used glass/aluminum greenhouse from some old family friends, so our existing garden underwent a total rehaul. We were lucky enough to use almost all recycled stuff (even the wall plaques!) to complete the project - minus the intricate watering system and seeds. Such a steep learning curve, but the rewards were well worth it.
From start...

To finish...

And in between...

What did we learn? That broad beans are aphid-magnets and the end product was not worth our time. That beets, parsnips and potatoes dug fresh from the ground and newly cut broccoli were oh-so-sumptuous compared to even the stuff at the Farmer's Market. That tomatoes in the greenhouse are finicky, but so worth the 12L of sauce and heaps of dehydrated and canned tomatoes for the rest of the year! That there is such thing as too much zucchini. That kale tastes good in blueberry smoothies and pole beans grow until mid-October if you harvest them regularly. Obviously I'm missing a few things, but you get the drift.
Next year's project is CHICKENS! Yay, chickens! Did you know that the bylaws will be passed this October for Vancouver backyard chickens?
I grew up eating fresh chicken eggs and I remember my brother having to help my Grandpa Dumas kill his huge flock of chickens every year. I remember the tiny fluffy chicks in the box with the heat lamp. I remember going next door to collect eggs and getting paid in candy. I remember having to help clean up our own chicken coop, although my brother would argue that only he ever did!
Today, Keira and I attended a Backyard Chickens Workshop with Heather Havens and it was great. Super informative, myth-dispelling, and very inclusive of all the basic information you need to keep backyard hens locally, including feed and pullet/hen suppliers, veterinarians, etc. All by donation! If you're thinking of going, I would highly recommend it! I don't know if Keira learned much, but I certainly did.
After snacking all week on the delicious dehydrated apples that Carmen and I made, we decided to revisit the apple trees and pick more.

Jason and I turned it into a bit of a date night with a roaring fire, wine and The Apple Machine...

From start...

To finish...

And in between...

What did we learn? That broad beans are aphid-magnets and the end product was not worth our time. That beets, parsnips and potatoes dug fresh from the ground and newly cut broccoli were oh-so-sumptuous compared to even the stuff at the Farmer's Market. That tomatoes in the greenhouse are finicky, but so worth the 12L of sauce and heaps of dehydrated and canned tomatoes for the rest of the year! That there is such thing as too much zucchini. That kale tastes good in blueberry smoothies and pole beans grow until mid-October if you harvest them regularly. Obviously I'm missing a few things, but you get the drift.
Next year's project is CHICKENS! Yay, chickens! Did you know that the bylaws will be passed this October for Vancouver backyard chickens?
I grew up eating fresh chicken eggs and I remember my brother having to help my Grandpa Dumas kill his huge flock of chickens every year. I remember the tiny fluffy chicks in the box with the heat lamp. I remember going next door to collect eggs and getting paid in candy. I remember having to help clean up our own chicken coop, although my brother would argue that only he ever did!
Today, Keira and I attended a Backyard Chickens Workshop with Heather Havens and it was great. Super informative, myth-dispelling, and very inclusive of all the basic information you need to keep backyard hens locally, including feed and pullet/hen suppliers, veterinarians, etc. All by donation! If you're thinking of going, I would highly recommend it! I don't know if Keira learned much, but I certainly did.
After snacking all week on the delicious dehydrated apples that Carmen and I made, we decided to revisit the apple trees and pick more.

Jason and I turned it into a bit of a date night with a roaring fire, wine and The Apple Machine...

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