From start...

To finish...

And in between...

What did we learn? That broad beans are aphid-magnets and the end product was not worth our time. That beets, parsnips and potatoes dug fresh from the ground and newly cut broccoli were oh-so-sumptuous compared to even the stuff at the Farmer's Market. That tomatoes in the greenhouse are finicky, but so worth the 12L of sauce and heaps of dehydrated and canned tomatoes for the rest of the year! That there is such thing as too much zucchini. That kale tastes good in blueberry smoothies and pole beans grow until mid-October if you harvest them regularly. Obviously I'm missing a few things, but you get the drift.
Next year's project is CHICKENS! Yay, chickens! Did you know that the bylaws will be passed this October for Vancouver backyard chickens?
I grew up eating fresh chicken eggs and I remember my brother having to help my Grandpa Dumas kill his huge flock of chickens every year. I remember the tiny fluffy chicks in the box with the heat lamp. I remember going next door to collect eggs and getting paid in candy. I remember having to help clean up our own chicken coop, although my brother would argue that only he ever did!
Today, Keira and I attended a Backyard Chickens Workshop with Heather Havens and it was great. Super informative, myth-dispelling, and very inclusive of all the basic information you need to keep backyard hens locally, including feed and pullet/hen suppliers, veterinarians, etc. All by donation! If you're thinking of going, I would highly recommend it! I don't know if Keira learned much, but I certainly did.
After snacking all week on the delicious dehydrated apples that Carmen and I made, we decided to revisit the apple trees and pick more.

Jason and I turned it into a bit of a date night with a roaring fire, wine and The Apple Machine...

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