This weekend, my mom is coming over from the Island to spend the night in our house with the girls and the dog (thanks Mom!) meaning... we can leave together! Overnight! For the first time since Keira's been born!
Our plan is to crash Auntie's beautiful and vacant-for-the-weekend house (thanks Auntie!), to make use of her guest room and amazing location - just off Commercial Drive. We're going to go out for a nice dinner, drinks and dancing! Any suggestions for locations?
Sunday morning we'll sleep in and have a breakfast out, and then it's off to Miraj Spa for their Couple's Hammam, Gommage and Massage - I've had a gift certificate for nearly a year now (thanks Melina!) that will finally be put to use. If you haven't been - it is the ultimate luxury... someone else giving you the best, most vigorous scrubdown EVER after a ridiculously hot but refreshing 15 minute sauna. All in a totally private marble grotto-esque cavern, which Jason and I will be sharing. Then a 30 minute massage, followed by hot mint tea and honey cakes in a gorgeous lounge with lots of new shiny magazines that no child has slobbered on, ripped apart, or coloured on!
Can you sense my excitement?
In preparation, I hurried out to the Oakridge Mall's Bay to find something to wear... I love shopping there because they have a lot of major labels (Mexx, DKNY, etc), but always at a huge discount! I have to admit to a major penchant for clothes, although my fashion sense is still developing. I usually call on the help of friends, sales assistants and store personal shoppers (so much fun) but was on my own - ACK! After trying on 40 (I'm not kidding, 40) different dresses, I settled on one that I knew would turn my hubby's head!
Being winter and all, the Kensie knit dress is long-sleevey, turtle-necky and blacky-browny-tan. Perfect for me since I'm always chilly. It calls for what Carmen and I refer to as zip-up boots, but I am a little directionally challenged and also suffer from TTCS - Twist-Tie Calf Syndrome. My legs (especially in tights) have always resembled pipecleaners no matter how many squats, lunges and calf raises I do.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not being down on myself - I do have a pretty good bum and am overall pretty fit. But realistically, I got a little shafted in the leg department and suffer immensely during boot season. The standard knee-high boots require legs to fill them out, and they tend to sag out on me besides being way too tall. I usually end up buying mid-calf length boots that look like knee-highs on me. In fact, my friend Lisa and I both bought the same boots last year (hers knee-high, mine mid-calf) and they look the same on us!
After trying on about 12 pairs of boots I gave up, totally flustered.
I went home and tried on a pair of tan Mag boots from my closet. I bought them in 2002 while vacationing in Belgium and loooove them, but have only ever worn them with jeans. I think wearing trendy-in-2002 boots is pushing it. My husband seems to think they are great, but I think maybe he is just too busy looking at my bum... Whaddya think?

Be HONEST. I promise not to be offended or take it personally! There are many situations in which fashion intervention is necessary!!

And if you think they are hideously out of style now, or just look goofy with a skirt, I need you to tell me what to buy, and where I can find it! If you feel more comfortable, just email or message me with your suggestion...
And please don't say Gravity Pope, unless you are willing to show up with your Visa to pay for my purchase - in which case, please do! I've been saving my pennies, but that place is soooo out of my price range...
As an aside - nice bras at the Bay are only $24.99 right now! Triumph, Maidenform, Bali... for some reason I actually had another $5 knocked off the new Bali bra I bought, yay! My size certainly changed a lot after 3 years of breastfeeding... feels nice to buy something that fits, what a treat!
not that I am a fasionista at all... but affordable. Ronson's sale baby, Ronsons.
You can do much better than that. Hot dress, but you need different boots.
There's an Aldo Shoes outlet location on Granville and Nelson. The shoes and boots there are usually hugely discounted. Sometimes up to 70% off the original price.
There are two Aldo Shoes, the one closer to Robson street is the regular store. No real discounts, so make sure you check out the right one.
Good luck.
I enjoy reading your blog, and wish you a very successful and hot date night with your hubby.
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