Monday, October 26, 2009

Tired of Pink

Oh. So. Tired.

Of pink.

I've done everything I can to introduce to Carmen the beautiful colours of the spectrum. I bought gender-neutral, put her in boys hand-me-downs... we play with trains and trucks and blocks and dirt.

WHY WHY WHY am I cursed with PINK???

And pink princess-mermaid-butterfly-fairies riding on pink unicorns?


For Halloween, Carmen wants to be a princess. In pink. BIG SURPRISE. She was a princess last year.
So what do I do? Dress her in a costume she wants to be in, or something creative and cool that I have to force her to wear, that will probably get torn off the minute I have my back turned...

Now as I reread it, I realize this post is awfully whiney, and the answer seems obvious.




Disaster Averted! Carmen and Keira will go as 'The Paperbag Princess: Before and After'. Keira will be dirty and messy and paper-baggy and Carmen will be pink and princess-y. Lame? Jason and I like it!

1 comment:

km said...

Hey- that's a great idea! Post pics of them when you've got them.