Tuesday, November 03, 2009


It's been a week since Jason and I had our couple's adventure and if I close my eyes, I can still get a sense of the contentment and relaxation we both felt being on 'vacation', even for such a small chunk of time, and for such a short distance away from our home...

Don't get me wrong - it's not like our marriage is in trouble by any stretch! And we are very lucky to have family nearby for date nights here and there. We both have hobbies supported by one another; Jason's Tuesday painting nights, my Saturday singing mornings. And our kids - they sleep! They behave in restaurants! They are pretty darned fun to be around!

But there's something about going to sleep after a blissfully exciting night out NOT worrying that one of your kids is going to have a bad night, or that you're going to be woken up at the crack of dawn, groggy and fuzzy from too much wine. Or going for a morning coffee stroll without having to juggle your mug, a dog on leash and a stroller full of squirmy kids. Not thinking about having enough snacks in the diaper bag to tide hungry mouths over until the breakfast order arrives. Not having to go to a restaurant that has booster seats and high chairs.

Last Saturday night Jason and I ventured out onto Commercial Drive in search of wining, dining and dancing. We were not disappointed! We stepped into the Latin Quarter at about 7pm, were deep into conversation over appies and cocktails by 7:30, salsa and cha-cha'ing our butts off by 9:30, and stumbling home weary and sated just after 1am! It was romantic and exciting and exactly what we both needed.

We spent the drizzly Sunday morning with coffees in hand, combing Commercial Drive for a breakfast joint that opened before 10am - NOT Little Nest!! We sank into our diner seats and continued our conversations from the night before, laughing over our boogie adventures and loosely mapping out the day ahead. We snuggled on the couch where we were staying, watching 'Silence of the Lambs' on cable - maybe not the most romantic movie, but we were too busy being blissed out by the silence of the house to notice!

But the best part was our trip to the Miraj Spa. Oh, so heavenly. Such attention to detail - you feel like you are the only couple there, and won't see another customer during your visit. Sumptuous in every way. Delicious, even. I encourage every couple to eek out the bucks (shared Christmas or anniversary gift? forgo JJ Bean for a few months?) to try it. You will NOT be disappointed - it is a relaxing, amazing, sexy (!?!) reunion with your partner.

That is, unless you don't like being naked around strangers. You ARE getting scrubbed down in the buff, but it is so professional and SO freakin' fantastic!

Now if only I could wrangle some freebie hammam passes in exchange for testimonials...

A girl can dream, can't she?

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