Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sew Cool

Okay - so I'll admit that this Fall has been busier, harder and more exhausting than I had imagined... blah blah blah, I won't bore you with the details!

BUT. I've managed to do some creating amidst it all. I've been exercising my mad Home Ec Sewing skillz with my 30yr-old Bernina, and actually learning a whole bunch of new stuff in the process. Quilting is one thing, but sewing clothes is a whole different ballgame! Buttons, zippers, pleats, bias tape, even how to measure properly - YouTube, I love you!

All of my inspiration has come from the never-ending fabric stash passed on by the lovely Grammelina nearly a year ago. Beautiful dress fabrics, crazy costume fabrics, cozy corduroys and velvets, cottons and linens - you name it, I probably have some! I've also become very, very attached to her underused Singer 4/3 Overlock sewing machine that has been sitting comfortably on my sewing desk for a few months - lots to learn, but so much fun! I'm getting pretty good at adjusting the tensions, using the different stitches, and not sawing through dangling sleeves by accident!

Helping my girls shake their tailfeathers for Halloween...

Lady Gaga'ing it up... Jason's costume is not really for internet consumption (not the one pictured here) but I can assure you that he was Gaga-licious!

Christmas stuff slowly making it's way off the to-do list... recycled t-shirt nightshirts for the girls and some corduroy jumpers.

And last but not least, a pretty dress for mama, made of some beautiful orange silk.

Coincidentally I still have yards and yards of this silk left... what would you do with it? Ideas needed!

I've also made some other stuff... but I can't post pictures until after Christmas! Don't want to ruin the surprise!

What's on your to-do list?

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Gradual (RE) Entry

It's the first week of school - the week of easing back into things school, work and family-related... I'm glad to have this first week of slow beginnings. Only one day of preschool. Only a few classes to teach. Only four out of five work days that I have to chauffeur, referee and entertain the kids all on my own! It's become increasingly clear to me that life as I know it is over. This post could easily be retitled 'A Day in the Life of an Overscheduled WAHM with 2 Kids that Don't Nap!'

On the positive side? No more diapers - HURRAY x10! Weekly gym workouts, yoga and spin classes! Dancing with my husband every Friday night, while amazingly awesome twin 12yr-old neighbourhood babysitters entertain our kids! Arts Umbrella classes for BOTH my girls - Carmen in her first 'big kid class' of 4.5-6yr olds, and Keira and I creating together in the 2-3yr old class!

Not so positive? No more afternoon naps - BOO. Preschool at 9am on Tues/Thurs means I have to have both kids fed, dressed and out the door by 8:53am - YIKES! Three days of multiple classes to teach means I have to be extra vigilant taking care of my body AND my voice. And find a new place to get my admin done... sheesh.

Certainly one of the coolest changes this Fall is two mornings of spending time with Keira, all by herself! Doing two-year-old things! Last year, Keira napped during Carmen's preschool. This year, the world is our oyster... Swimming. Playgrounding. Going for very slow toddler-speed walks! I was singing with Keira the other day and she was positively ROCKING OUT and it occurred to me how infrequently I've done things like this with only her. So excited!

I've also come to the grim realization that I have to schedule my housework. Isn't that lame? So if you try calling me for a playdate on Monday or Wednesday afternoon, I am likely mopping, ironing, vaccuuming or cleaning the bathrooms! Friday is laundry. Tuesday we make bread & granola.

I'm also using this 'weekly calendar' with the girls to explain why they are NOT watching a movie every day of the week! Seriously, they ask me EVERY DAY. We don't have cable, but we do have a decent library of kids movies that I use when I need to get stuff DONE. So they are allowed a movie on Monday & Wednesday afternoon, but not otherwise unless Mama is completely spent! I've been trying to get them involved more and more with the chores, cleaning their room, etc. But mopping the floors and scrubbing the bathtub is just not that kid-friendly! So far this week, it seems to be working.

Sigh. It seems like summer ended months ago. A few favorite pics from the end of August and our most recent week-long trip to Valdes seems fitting as a proper send-off!

Happy Fall!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Morning Rant

Fall is almost here, and I'm starting to get a little anxious... having my hubby at home during the summer is a wonderful thing, and I recognize how lucky I am - but at the same time, it's a double-edged sword.

With Jason away from the house more and more as he prepares for his new school year, I'm being subjected to the constant litany of 'We want DADDY!' and 'We don't want YOU' and 'Daddy's nicer!' and 'Daddy lets me'. I'm trying not to take it personally, but WTF? What am I, chopped liver???

One of my main intentions coming home from both my Mama's and the Couple's retreat was to BE PRESENT. For my husband, for my kids, for myself... but what about real life? With kids that no longer nap (damn you, KEIRA!!) I'm finding the new struggle of juggling quality time with the girls and finding time for housework and business admin almost insurmountable. There are always housekeepers and babysitters, but you need MONEY for those things and I need to be sure the money is there before I spend it!

I'm not trying to beat myself up, but my husband is much better at being present when he's with the girls and I'm working. But that's also because he doesn't feel same pressure I put on myself for a clean house or foodie dinners, nor does he have a business to attend to do during most of the summer. I'm not trying to give him a bum rap - he pulls his weight around the house and the workload is distributed fairly evenly. For some reason, he fits it in better than me. Frustrating, no?

I'm trying to be creative. This morning the girls were 'helping' me clean the bathroom. Things quickly devolved into a screaming match over the toilet brush, and I have to admit that I was one of the three screamers! I've tried to sneak some admin time in here and there, but my impatient two-year-old will slam the lid of my laptop down on my fingers in protest. Either that or type gobbledy-gook into something I am working on. Recently a colleague's FB status reflected her frustration with her kid pulling the keys off her keyboard to stop her from getting a bit of work done, and I could completely relate.

While I've been typing this post, we've had two timeouts over the proper sharing etiquette of My Little Ponies. I feel partially responsible because I am blogging and not practicing very good presence! But DAMN, it's been a frustrating day and it's only 11:40am.

In any case, just needed to rant. Either that or scream into a pillow. I find this release slightly more effective! Thanks for listening :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


A week ago, Jason and I returned from a couple's retreat at Hollyhock, hosted by Robert Gass and Judith Ansara - 'Sharing the Path'. Each time someone asks me how it was, I struggle to answer in a way that would adequately explain the immense power of the retreat, and how it has transformed our relationship.

We decided to attend the five-night retreat as an anniversary gift to ourselves - it's our fifth anniversary this coming Friday. Before the workshop we did the obligatory pre-work, identifying our intentions for the retreat and doing a short independent survey on how we function as a couple.

We thought we'd be given lots of free time to play, enjoy the Cortes beaches, drink wine, read, etc. We were wrong! The night we showed up, we saw the schedule and balked... each day contained 3x 3hr sessions and in the orientation, we were instructed to attend EVERY ONE. There was one single afternoon off and an optional night session following. It seemed more like couple's bootcamp!

But then we got into the circle the first night - 15 couples, all in varying stages of their relationships, some in crisis, some in celebration. Some people were totally in their comfort zone, and some were visibly squirming in discomfort and often it was obvious which partner had talked the other into attending! But somehow, Robert and Judith managed to orchestrate a cohesive gathering of people with a similar goal - to make our relationships the best they can possibly be by taking 100% responsibility for ourselves, our actions and our feelings.

Alongside Judith and Robert, the SWAT team - Sensual Women Assisting Transformation - of three fantastic therapists helped each person navigate through each workshop element. And let me tell you, some of the elements were INTENSE. Each morning we would do something really heavy (picture men crying openly), sometimes with our partners and sometimes with different group members, while the afternoons were usually something a bit lighter to complement.

We talked about playing the victim vs. taking responsibility.

We delved into our manipulative behaviours - think you don't have any? Think again!

We practiced different communication techniques, being present, taking turns broaching difficult conversation topics and coming to resolutions where both sides have responsibility.

While Jason and I have always had an easy time with communicating, we both had significant breakthroughs with identifying the ways we trigger each other. Once we figured out the specific triggers, we went through an exercise to figure out what the trigger stemmed from (our own personal 'core wound') and were amazed to find that many of our triggers all came from the same core wound - which have NOTHING to do with our partners! We also traveled through time to see how the same core wound has manifested itself in relationships past - lovers, friends and family. From there, we learned ways to deal with the real problems in a constructive way.

Do you know what your triggers are? Do you continually react to something somebody does in the same negative way? Your heart rate goes up. You want to yell. You feel like you want to barf. You revisit and replay the conversation multiple times, fuming and stewing. Making up snarky replies hours later. Triggertriggertrigger. Nasty.

Like I said, powerful stuff even for the healthiest relationships. And transferrable outside your marriage too, with friends and family, business associates, everyone!

Night sessions were often broken into same-sex circles to talk (very in-depth) about sacred sexuality, sensuality and how we each came to be the sexual (or non-sexual, for that matter) beings that we are today. Sometimes there was light-hearted instruction, since each of the therapists also happened to be practitioners of Tantra! Sometimes there were sharing circles - all very safe and confidential, all very enlightening. We talked about being 'all-day-lovers', meaning you don't need to have sex to make love. Making a coffee for your partner can be making love. Giving them a foot rub, expressing gratitude, reading together while your feet are touching - all just different ways to make love.

And what workshop would be complete without homework? Well, ours was called 'homeplay' and we were each assigned one hour of pleasuring our partner in any way you felt inclined. Get your mind out of the gutter - it didn't have to be like that! But surely we were given many, many tools if that's the way you wanted it to go!

Sometimes what we did was plain fun. Blindfolded dancing. Massage. Feeding each other dessert in crazy ways. Accompanying Robert's amazing voice and guitar. Sharing circles. Oyster BBQs. Conversation around the dinner table. And of course, just enjoying Hollyhock's beautiful beach, food, hot tub, garden... SO RELAXING, and the perfect environment to cultivate our relationship.

So how has it changed us? We laugh heartily at our triggers. We have a few new tricks up our sleeve to make our everyday lives more sensual. I'm really working on my presence, and am already making a ton of headway. And every week we are committing to the 1-hour of pleasure. I know the retreat was only a week ago, but our relationship feels better and stronger than ever.

On that note, I have to brag - this week my husband lit a fire, put marbles in a Rubbermaid with hot water and left me to soak my feet while I read my book and drank wine. Then he gave me an amazing foot massage. We used to do this kind of romancing all the time... and now, we're baaaaaaaaaaack!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Quiet Time Activities...

With the summer sun blazing (FINALLY), it seems that the indoor quiet time activities have given way to bike-riding, sprinkler-diving and general outdoor mayhem! But here and there we find ourselves seeking a bit of inside-time...

Shelling peas.

Cleaning veggies. Love love love the Chiogga beets coming out of the garden right now!

Making basil, although pine nuts and parmesan in the Cuisinart can hardly be considered 'quiet'!

We recently foraged up at UBC for delicious salmonberries that easily found their way into muffins. A trip to the U-Pick was also quite fruitful... sorry, couldn't help myself.

A few days ago, I was given a used pair of True Religion jeans with a very pretty applique of Lady Godiva splashed across the bum. I tried on the short-rise, flare-cut jeans and decided that they were best suited for a tall, leggy girl with protruding hipbones - the rise was too low for this mama-of-two and the flare cut made me look stumpier than ever. I can't STAND having to readjust waistbands just so my bum fits, or having to constantly pull my shirt down to cover what my jeans don't! But I just couldn't say NO to Lady G, so I had to get creative...

I decided to try one of the numerous 'Jeans into Skirt' tutorials on the web. I didn't find one of them particularly awesome and I think I probably followed about 25% of the instructions. Since the jeans had such cool stitching details and colours, I opted to recycle some of the original thread from the legs and preserve as much of the hem as I could - I know, a little anal. Carmen helped me roll the thread onto spools, and I fed the embroidery thread into my sewing machine quite painstakingly! After all, they WERE True Religion jeans... the fact that I even cut into them is almost sacrilege! I kept the unfinished hem to complement the rough-edged details (and also because I got tired of salvaging thread!) and I think the best part is that the unicorn part of the applique, Carmen's favourite part, no longer looks like it's trying to crawl up my butt crack!

Here's what I got...

Fun for summer, and great with a sweater, tights and boots in winter!

Our trip out to Valdes was nothing short of spectacular - in fact, upon our arrival, we reconfigured our summer plans a bit to include an extra visit during the sunny months and then a few trips later on this year. Aside from a ridiculously comfortable and spacious cabin-mansion, the visit felt so effortless with the girls. A safe sandy beach to play on. A cool loft for the girls to spread out their toys and colouring books, or build blanket forts around their sleeping spaces. And we ate well! Fresh veggies picked just before we left, oysters that we picked up off the beach and ate on the half-shell, wine and cheese after the girls went to bed... ah, luxury!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sweet Sweet Summertime

It's here... the last week of school! That means a husband at home for the summer, a shorter work week for me, and long lazy summer afternoons free of preschool and full of beachcombing, sprinkler-diving and popsicle eating!

At the end of May, I was lucky enough to qualify for a scholarship at the beautiful Hollyhock Wellness Retreat, where I spent 3 amazing nights with a group of 8 beautiful, amazing and talented women for the Mama Renew Retreat. The environment was rustic, magical and invigorating...

During last year's retreat, I created the prayer flags that still adorn my doorway - a shout out for energy, commitment and (lots of) patience.

This year, I came home rested, inspired and, well, RENEWED. My intent for the year is to BLOOM, and so I've been working hard to put the things in place to make it happen.

The first thing on my list was to share the experience with my husband, so after a teeny bit of persuading (clothing-optional beachfront hot tub! fresh raw oysters on the beach!), Jason and I decided to take the financial plunge for our 5th year wedding anniversary to attend the 5-night Couples Retreat at Hollyhock. So after cashing in a few RRSPs (sorry, retirement) and talking Grandma Wolff into taking our kids AND dog (thanks Grandma!), we are on our way! We were told to bring massage oil for one of the workshops - I can't wait!

The second thing on my list was to hire a housekeeper to come in for a few hours every few weeks. It's in the works for September. Luxury? Maybe. But I can't wait!

As you can see, the things on my list are all pretty great.

The last thing, but certainly not least, was to get into my craft room a bit more. With the huge pile of fabric from Grammelina and her underutilized overlock machine, I've managed to craft a few of these great reversible pinafores for the girls from the Sew Baby pattern (thanks SouleMama).

A few more for Fall are in the works, and I got crafty with some old Ikea fabric and double-sided interfacing on the French corduroy, so soft!

Also, less fun, but certainly much-needed were a new set of chair covers for my kitchen using some recycled upholstery material. Thank GOD my old Bernina put up with me through these...

And of course, there's always gardening. For now... Garlic scape pesto. Brand new Yukon Golds run amok. Vivid green broccoli and sweet sweet peas.

And a sign of things to come! Homemade tomato sauce.

Blueberry muffins.

Roasted red peppers.

Basil pesto.

And cheese, thanks to Sarah S. for her goat cheese inspiration on the ferry to Hollyhock! This is the most action my husband's climbing equipment has seen in years, and it certainly did the trick to hang the cheese perfectly, right over the sink drain! So yummy!

Did I tell you that we've become cabinkeepers for a family that's relocated for a few years? It's on Valdes, the island where Jason and I started our relationship, honeymooned, hunted successfully... so dear to our relationship and so exciting to bring our family there!

Happy Summer to you all!